Sapieha Palace Symposium

2025 03 08 — 2025 03 08 at Sapieha Palace
Author Echo Gone Wrong
Published in Events in Lithuania

On Saturday, March 8, Sapieha Palace will launch its first annual Sapieha Palace Symposium, an event designed to explore critical issues in art and culture in a comprehensive manner.

The theme of the inaugural Sapieha Palace Symposium 2025 is “Ageing.” The symposium brings together an international group of art historians, sociologists, conservators, and artists who will examine the ageing processes and the representation of ageing from various perspectives. Using feminist art history approaches, they will analyze the relationship between the work of women artists of advanced age and the materials they use, as well as questions surrounding the representation—or rather the impossibility of representation—of old age. Participants will discuss visions of the future and ageing in queer communities, and explore the subversive potential of queer ageing that disrupt normative temporalities. Finally, the symposium will delve into the question of temporal materials, including artworks and cultural heritage, examining how their deterioration challenges traditional institutional and thought structures.

Participants: Eglė Ambrasaitė, Jo Applin, Julia Bryan-Wilson, Kim Kraczon, Rebeka Põldsam, Artūras Tereškinas, Edvinas Grinkevičius, Neringa Černiauskaitė, Inesa Brašiškė.

The event will be held in English, is free, and open to the public.


10:30 Welcome and Coffee

11:00 Inesa Brašiškė: Introduction to Sapieha Palace Symposium 2025

11:20-12:00 Jo Applin: Ageing Badly in 1960s America

12:00-12:40 Julia Bryan-Wilson: Old Woman/Aged Wood

12:40-13:00 Coffee Break

13:00-13:40 Rebeka Põldsam: Imagining Queer Ageing Futures in Estonia

13:40-14:20 Artūras Tereškinas: Queer Failures and Radical Intimacies: Writing the Aging Queer Body

14:20-15:40 Lunch Break

15:40-16:20 Kim Kraczon: Inevitable Decay: Rethinking Frameworks for the Perpetuation of Art Objects

16:20-17:00 Eglė Ambrasaitė: Aikas Žado Laboratory – Crip Materialities

17:00-18:00 Roundtable

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