Photo reportage from the exhibition 'Excess and Refusal' at EKKM

August 16, 2021
Author Echo Gone Wrong

Excess and Refusal is centred around the notions of excess and refusal as artistic and lived practices. The two are, in fact, a contingent pair – often excess is achieved through refusal and refusal is enforced because of excess.

Our understanding of excess relies on the idea of existence of limits to what is acceptable – politically, culturally, in our private and public lives etc. Refusal or inability to abide by these limits – to step outside the acceptable – produces what is perceived as excess, often with connotations of immorality. Declaring someone or something excessive is also a way to refuse access, means and power. However, a conscious refusal can emerge as a powerful strategy for reclaiming one’s agency.

Historically, ideas of excess, opulence, luxury and abundance have been associated with a rather negative image and linked to frivolity, unseriousness and unintellectuality. In art, for example, these alignments have allowed disregarding a wide array of artistic practices as example, these alignments have allowed disregarding a wide array of artistic practices as sidenotes to “Great Art”. In the context of this dichotomy and while refusing to be subjected to it, the artists in the show use excess as a tool for invention, both aesthetically and conceptually.

The show looks at refusal and excess in various contexts and themes: gender and activism, queerness, abjection and grotesque, health and illness, performativity, community building and experimentation. This is a quest for imaginative opulence.

The exhibition is accompanied by curatorial tours in English and Estonian.

Excess and Refusal
EKKM, Tallinn
Artists: Be Oakley, Rebecca Jagoe, Sandra Kosorotova, Hanna Kisch, Agu Pilt, Pire Sova & Ando Naulainen, Women’s History Museum
Curator: Keiu Krikmann

Graphic design: Ott Kagovere & Indrek Sirkel
Thank you: Anu Grabbi, Harry Liivrand, Ain Talalaev, Aarne Kraam and Lili Pilt

Supporters: Estonian Ministry of Culture, Cultural Endowment of Estonia, National Heritage Board of Estonia, City of Tallinn, Akzo Nobel Baltics AS

Excess and Refusal at EKKM, exhibition view. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Excess and Refusal at EKKM, exhibition view. Photo: Paul Kuimet


Be Oakley, Black Trans Lives Matter Type Poster, 2020. Installation view at EKKM. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Rebecca Jagoe, Red Delicious, 2019. Installation view at EKKM. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Rebecca Jagoe, Red Delicious, 2019. Detail. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Rebecca Jagoe, Red Delicious, 2019. Detail. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Excess and Refusal at EKKM, exhibition view. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Agu Pilt, Selected garments, 1990s–2000s; and the documentation of the costume performance “The Dance of Life” at St. Nicholas Church in Tallinn, 1998. Installation view at EKKM. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Agu Pilt, Selected garments, 1990s–2000s. Installation view at EKKM. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Agu Pilt, Selected garments, 1990s–2000s. Installation view at EKKM. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Agu Pilt, Selected garments, 1990s–2000s. Detail. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Excess and Refusal at EKKM, exhibition view. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Hanna Kisch, The Garden, 2020. Installation view at EKKM. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Hanna Kisch,The Garden, 2020. Detail. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Hanna Kisch, The Garden, 2020. Detail. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Sandra Kosorotova, Occupatient, 2020. Installation view at EKKM. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Sandra Kosorotova, Occupatient, 2020. Detail. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Excess and Refusal at EKKM, exhibition view. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Women’s History Museum, Selected items from the Calico Svetlana collection, 2018; and video Her Bed Surrounded By Machines, 2018. Installation view at EKKM. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Women’s History Museum, Selected items from the Calico Svetlana collection, 2018. Detail. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Women’s History Museum, Selected items from the Calico Svetlana collection, 2018. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Excess and Refusal at EKKM, exhibition view. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Pire Sova & Ando Naulainen, Bring a body, bring a prop, bring a friend, 2020. Installation view at EKKM. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Pire Sova & Ando Naulainen, Bring a body, bring a prop, bring a friend, 2020. Detail. Photo: Paul Kuimet

Pire Sova & Ando Naulainen, Bring a body, bring a prop, bring a friend, 2020. Detail. Photo: Paul Kuimet