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Photo reportage from the exhibition ‘Chaos and Order’ by Andres Koort Hobusepea gallery

Andres Koort opened personal exhibition Chaos and Order in Hobusepea gallery on July 27th, 2022. Exhibition will be open until August 22nd, 2022.

The title Chaos and Order refers to the two opposite forces and the motion between these two states. Etymologically, the word “chaos” is related to Greek verb “χαίνω” that denoted the yawning emptiness, void, gap. This is the initial existence of non-existence of things; a state consisting of a potential, a yearning for getting structured. This is the commencement phase of things charged with pure energy, the birth moment of all things. Also, exact sciences study the essence of “chaos”. According to the theory of chaos, there are a systematic ground structure, constant feedback, repetitions, self-resemblance, fractals and self-organization behind the seemingly random behaviour of chaotic complex system.

Andres Koort focuses on chaos and order in his artwork, whilst working with repetitions, self-resemblance, self-organization and the metaphor of butterfly effect according to which a tiny change in one state can result in large differences in a later state.

Andres Koort (b. 1969 in Tallinn) is a painter, scenographer, designer and curator. He has graduated from the department of scenography at the Estonian Academy of Arts (1987–1993) and taken additional courses in painting at Academy Minerva, Groningen, Netherlands. Koort has participated in exhibitions since 1991 and he is a member of the board at the Estonian Painters’ Association since 2002.

Exhibitions in Hobusepea gallery are supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Ministry of Culture and Liviko Ltd.

Exhibition by Andres Koort
Title: Chaos & Order
Open: 27.07.-22.08.2022
Hobusepea Gallery, Hobusepea 2, Tallinn.
Wed-Mon 11.00-18.00
Photography: Anna Mari Liivrand