Open Call: VARES Summer School on Spatial Activism

July 1, 2024
Author Echo Gone Wrong
Published in Calls from Estonia

VARES calls for participants to the summer school on spatial activism in August 2024!

Application deadline: July 15, 2024
Summer school period: August 16-23, 2024
VARES provides shared accommodation, meals and travel support for 10 selected participants.

The inaugural VARES Summer School will delve into the multifaceted topic of spatial activism. We will explore theoretical perspectives on the definition of spatial activism and the various forms it can take. Additionally, we will engage in practical discussions and share knowledge on what can be achieved through spatial activism, including how communities can be empowered to shape their own environments and how bureaucratic systems can either support or hinder such efforts in both urban and rural settings.

Moreover, we will look into activism on behalf of other species, addressing the challenges faced by non-human entities that cannot advocate for themselves within legal systems. This will involve exploring concepts of more-than-human agency and multispecies assemblages. The program will also feature hands-on activities, including space-making initiatives and participatory performative acts of spatial activism.


During the week, there will be three workshops aimed at registered participants, as well as a public program with lectures and seminars open to everyone.

Meet the organisers, tutors and lecturers here:

A more detailed program will be announced soon. Keep an eye on our pages!

How to apply

We invite both established professionals, amateurs, students, architects, artists, writers and thinkers who are interested in the theme of the summer school.

The summer school is free of charge for 10 selected participants. VARES provides shared accommodation, meals and travel support.

To apply, send us an e-mail ( by July 15 consisting of your CV/bio and a short motivation letter.

The choice of participants will be made by the organisers and results will be sent via email by 19th July.


The summer school is organised by VARES in collaboration with the Finnish artists and architect communities Art for All and You Tell Me Collective, the Latvian artistic research network gel and the Estonian Kunstiryhmitus.

VARES Architecture Residency
Uus 35, 68203, Valga, Estonia