Open Call: interactive installation workshop and residency for artists from Southern Estonia and Vidzeme/Kurzeme region in Latvia

March 10, 2025
Author Echo Gone Wrong
Published in Calls from Latvia

RuralArtConnect is a program initiated by technological art farm Maajaam and Latvian art space Savvaļa to develop art communities in rural areas through skills development residency camps, interdisciplinary artists and an art network for artists from Southern Estonia and Vidzeme/Kurzeme region in Latvia. Over the course of 2025, in total 4 residency camps and workshops – each with different focus, will take place in both Latvia and Estonia.

First workshop with the title “More Effort, Some Function” is held in Maajaam and is mentored by Leopold Inkapööl, a Swedish designer, artist and musician. In this workshop participants will have the chance to create an interactive installation or object. Embrace humour, channel the unexpected and play until you discover something you would never otherwise make.

With this open call, we are looking for 6 participants for the first residency camp “More Effort, Some Function”: 3 from Southern Estonia, 3 from Vidzeme, Kurzeme region in Latvia. The “More Effort, Some Function” workshop at Maajaam unfolds over two sessions in April and May 2025.

This project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (Interreg) through the Interreg VI-A Estonia-Latvia Programme 2021-2027 (EST-LAT) and co-funded by Estonian Cultural Endowment.

Participants: 3 artist from Southern Estonia, 3 artist from Vidzeme/Kurzeme regions in Latvia
Residency dates: 7-13 April & 7-13 May, 2025
Residency location: Estonia, Maajaam
Application deadline: 17th of March 2025 (included)

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