Nida Art Colony
www.nidacolony.lt/en/colonyNida Art Colony (NAC) is a new subdivision of the Vilnius Academy of Arts. It was developed under the EEA and Norway Grants support and opened in March 2011. NAC is a meeting place for experienced and emerging artists, designers, architects, curators, art critics and researchers from around the world. Artistic, curatorial and educational process lies in the core of its activities, which mostly focus on professional development of artists and informal art education for the young.
Through collaboration with international and national partners as well as cooperation with departments of Vilnius Academy of Arts it develops and runs a variety of art production and art education projects.
NAC also runs an Artist-in-Residence programme, which offers curated and independent stays for invited and selected by open call professional artists.
In 2012-2015 NAC encourages critical reflection of the issues of remoteness, tourism, art research as artistic practice, site specificity and how to avoid it and sustainability in life and arts.
NAC is located on the Curonian Spit, which is a peninsula dividing the Curonian Lagoon and the Baltic Sea. The spit is on the UNESCO World Heritage list as one of the most beautiful and unique landscapes of Europe.Address:
Taikos str. 43, LT-93121 Neringa, Lithuania
E-mail: info @ nidacolony.lt
T: +370 469 20 370
F: +370 469 20 371