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‘Matilda: Anatomy of Puppet Animation Film’ at the Pamėnkalnio Gallery

The exhibition reveals the creation process of Matilda and the Spare Head – a new short puppet-animated film by the Lithuanian director Ignas Meilūnas. The show contains the film’s sets, characters, a large number of details for facial expressions, sketches, storyboards, making-ofs, etc.

The exhibition offers a great opportunity to get acquainted with the specifics of animation that involves visual art, music, literature and other sorts of art. The creative team of both the film and the show consists of professional artists acknowledged in various fields of activity.

The exhibition (as well as the film) is intended not only for children or their parents. Matilda is a vivid story about learning and the ability of independent thinking; about understanding one another, attempting to look at the same things through the eyes of different generations. The script of the film is based upon a tale called A Little Girl with a Spare Head by the Czech poet, playwright, author and screenwriter Miloš Macourek.

The exhibition is followed by educational activities (in Lithuanian only).

Curator – Aušra Trakšelytė.
Architect – Vladas Suncovas.
Partner – Clear Channel Lietuva.
Sponsors: Lithuanian Council for Culture, M-Films, Lithuanian Artists’ Association.

The short puppet-animated film – Matilda and the Spare Head – will be premiered on 21 March at Forum Cinema Vingis (7 Savanorių Ave, Vilnius).

Director – Ignas Meilūnas. Screenwriters: Dangiras Bugas, Ignas Meilūnas. Producers: Marija Razgutė, Ignas Meilūnas. Cinematographer – Simonas Glinskis. Designer – Antanas Dubra. Sound designer – Julius Grigelionis. Composer – Rytis Koreniukas. Animators: Anni Oje, Arnau Godia Montesinos, Ignas Meilūnas. Production company – M-Films.

Pamėnkalnio Gallery (1 Pamėnkalnio St., Vilnius)
3–24 March, 2020
Opening reception – 3 March, Tue, 6 pm.