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Feminist Assembly Riga at Kanepes Kulturas centrs

RIBOCA together with artists Petra Bauer and Rebecka Katz Thor cordially invite you to join the first transnational feminist assembly in Riga!

We will discuss how women’s organising and struggles today can create a feminist politics for the future. Together we will exchange ideas, strategies and politics amongst each other and hopefully leave with new thoughts, connections and tools to bring with us!

The assembly will take place at Kanepes Kulturas centrs, a platform for cultural, social and political events in Riga. It also one of RIBOCA venues, where Bauer & Thor have created an intervention ‘And All is Yet to be Done: The Grammar of Feminist Organising’ where wallpapers made of photos show women’s gatherings in the early 20th Century in Sweden.
A hundred years ago women had few civil or political rights, and women gathering could be seen as an act of resistance in itself. What can we learn from such historical examples? How do women meet and struggle today?

In the assembly everyone is free to speak up and make their voices heard and we are looking forward for a multitude of different voices. Our hope is that we can exchange experiences and learn from each other in a time where it seems important to strengthen transnational feminist networks.

Representatives from the following organisations, networks and individuals will be present:
‘Ruskeat Tytöt’ (Finland), ‘Kvinnocenter i Tensta-Hjulsta’ and ‘k.ö.k’ (Sweden), ‘Trampolin House & Sister’s Cuisine’ (Denmark), ‘Feministeerium & Kraam’ (Estonia), ‘Cooltūristės’ (Lithuania), Association of Rural Women, Association MARTA Centre and our collaborators – poet Inga Gaile and art critic Jana Kukaine (Latvia).

The assembly will be moderated by Airi Triisberg [1] (Estonia).

The event will happen in English; free admission.

When in Riga, don’t miss the Feminist Media Workshop Learning from Neighbour! It is arranged by Jana Kukaine and taking place in the same location the next day. More info here: https://www.facebook.com/events/401966980330563/ [2]