Exhibition 'to inhabit dryness' by Ieva Maslinskaitė at the Vilnius Photography Gallery

2025 03 27 — 2025 04 26
Author Echo Gone Wrong
Published in Events in Lithuania

On March 27 (Thursday) at 5:30 PM, the Vilnius Photography Gallery (Stiklių St. 4) will open Ieva Maslinskaitė’s solo exhibition to inhabit dryness. This exhibition is part of the Restart project, and in 2024, I. Maslinskaitė was named a laureate of this competition.

And when i open my curtain to look out, for a second the sun exposes my face, and it feels warm and tight – do we make an image?

through the veins of a city, streets of my palm, like a stream: images flow, exchange, they seem weightless, smooth, abundant, forever. oh but wait – there’s a tear in the roof and it’s raining. and my pocket has a hole i keep losing my keys through. and whenever i swipe my phone it brushes against a crack, rubbing at my fingerprint. and i can’t wait to be there and see you walk again.

every body is leaky, prone to cracks, slits, gashes and holes. precarity shadows the everyday but seems to escape the endless stream of images. digital or physical, images are carried by materials and entangled with processes. they are tied to sources, time frames, porous to be affected, activated, to be transformed. to inhabit dryness engages with precarity of image-making through uncertainties of the everyday.

Ieva Maslinskaitė (Vilnius, LT, 1999) is an interdisciplinary artist working with photography based in Amsterdam, NL. Her research interest lies in destabilising binary thinking towards the environment through co-creating with other species, as well as organic and artificial processes, resulting in temporary and mutating image-based works, objects, sculptures or installations. Coming from a photography background, her practice is centred around dismantling the medium from an anthropocentric perspective and putting it back together through an ecocentric one, counteracting contemporary image culture’s aims of being fixed, reproducible, and permanent. She has participated in a number of international group exhibitions. Maslinskaitė holds a Bachelor of Photography from the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague.

The exhibition will run until April 26, 2025.

The activities of the Lithuanian Photographers Association are funded by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.

Vilnius Photography Gallery Opening Hours:
Tuesday to Friday: 12:00–6:00 PM
Saturday: 12:00–4:00 PM