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DBBJ by Tomas Daukša at ARTIFEX gallery

In the exhibition the collection of figurines accumulated by the person who is convinced that for almost ten years he has been visited by the Bigfoot is presented. According to him, the figurines were left by the Bigfoot in exchange for food. The owner of the collection never saw the one who left him the figurines, but he does not doubt that it was the Bigfoot. According to him, there is no other possible explanation from where the figurines appeared and the looks of the figurines also strongly suggest the version of the Bigfoot. The owner of the collection not only preserved most of the figurines he found, but also made special shelves for them. After long discussions, the owner allowed to publicly display his collection as the artistic practice of another person.

It’s hard to say how many figurines I have, it should be close to fifty. At first I was hiding them from others, but over time I told my best friends about them. I have given some of them away, but even the closest people do not believe my story. They think that I’m producing these figurines myself.

“I found the first figurine almost ten years ago. It was an early spring, I went to the forest near the house. I was collecting birch sap at the time, so I went to the forest at least once a day. I remember it was very quiet, you could not hear a single bird. There was an unfamiliar bitter sweet smell lingering in the forest. The jars for sap were turned over and scattered around. Usually people do not visit this place, so I thought it was a badger’s or raccoon’s doing. I collected the jars and placed them fairly high in the trees, so that no animal could reach them. After finishing fixing the jars, I found the first figurine. It was standing on a recently cut stump, facing the house. I thought it was some kind of prank, I took the figurine and returned home. The next day the jars were scattered around the forest again and there was another figurine standing on the same stump. I remember I got very angry, I took both figurines and went to get the explanation from my neighbor, but he did not know anything. After that, every day I found figurines left on the stump and jars scattered around the forest. When the sap season ended, I started finding figurines left on the table in my yard. I do not remember how it happened exactly, but we began to exchange figurines for foo d. When I found the figurine, I would leave some food in place of it, and it would be gone the next morning. If the figurine was bigger, I would leave more food, if it was smaller, then I would leave less. These exchanges continued until last summer. During that time I have accumulated a large amount of figurines.”

Tomas Daukša

Artifex gallery
Gaono St. 1, Vilnius