Raivo Kelomees PhD (art history), artist, critic and new media researcher. Studied psychology, art history, and design in Tartu University and the Academy of Arts in Tallinn. Has published in main cultural and art magazines and newspapers of Estonia since 1985. Book author, “Surrealism” (Kunst Publishers, 1993) and an article collections “Screen as a Membrane” (Tartu Art College proceedings, 2007), "Social Games in Art Space" (Estonian Academy of Arts, 2013). Doctoral thesis „Postmateriality in Art. Indeterministic Art Practices and Non-Material Art“ (Dissertationes Academiae Artium Estoniae 3, 2009).
Participated in festivals and exhibitions: French-Baltic Video Art Festivals (Grand Prix in 1994); WRO 95, Wroclaw; Second International Video and Electronic Art Manifestation in Montreal 1995; 20th Tokyo Video Festival, 1998 (Silver Award); MuuMediaFestival in Helsinki (1998); Ars Electronica Mediathek, Linz (1999); 4th International Festival of New Film, Split (1999); ISEA 2000 (Paris); ISEA 2002 (Nagoya); FILE 2005 (Sao Paolo); Media Forum at the Moscow International Film Festival, 2006 (Moscow); Fluxus East. Fluxus Networks in Central Eastern Europe, Kumu Art Museum, 2008 (Tallinn) and many others.