Photo reportage from Kristiina Hansen's exhibition "Changing, it rests" at Draakon gallery

November 20, 2013
Author Echo Gone Wrong

From 11th to 23rd November Draakoni Gallery (Tallinn) features a solo exhibition “Changing, it rests” by Kristiina Hansen.

In the show Hansen continues the themes characteristic to her oeuvre. Manipulating absurd situations and temporary sculptures she stages scenes that have no spectators. These stagings that last only a fleeting moment get fixed in time and reach a possible audience only through the medium of photography.

Whereas Hansen’s previous projects have dealt with reflections and self reflections, presence and absence, existence and nothingness and with a number of other keywords that have paired up over time to oppose each other, this project thrives in moments and snippets of time, intriguing imagined situations, dreamlike absurdity and yearning. Trying to find the answer to the questions such as: “Are these moments privileged because they were exclusively created to last? Or are these moments less important than “real” moments because of their constructed nature? And does an instant/moment exist after it has passed?” drives Hansen to stage scenes that strike one as visual aphorisms. With the help of photos Hansen visualizes fragmented ideas and the physical objects that complement them an environment, which enables for all subjective interpretations of the works to be correct.

Kristiina Hansen received a B.A. in Photography from the Estonian Academy of Arts in 2008. She studied in the Bergen Academy of Art and Design from 2009 to 2010 and received an M.A. in Fine Arts from the Estonian Academy of Arts in 2012. Hansen has since 2007 participated in many group exhibitions and the current solo exhibition “Changing, it rests” is Hansen’s third.

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