Installation 'tri – galaxian L4116' by artist Patricija Gilytė at 10th international exhibition of contemporary arts OSTRALE, Dresden

August 22, 2016
Author Echo Gone Wrong

OstraleMagnificant video installation “tri – galaxian L4116” by gallery’s “Meno parkas” artist Patricija Gilytė is presented at 10th international exhibition of contemporary arts OSTRALE, which is held from July 1st to September 25th on Dresden’ Ostragehege in Hall 4 at Messe Dresden, and the feeding sheds, each with a massive hayloft of the impressive Erlwein slaughterhouse complex. An extraordinary venue, located close to the historical center of the city, which makes an open discourse possible for visitors of OSTRALE between industrial monument, global international dispositions and an unique art experience.

“tri – galaxian L4116” – the trilogy of warmth, light and mobility is an attempt to visually cover planet’s history from three different perspectives of time and space.

The visual story consists of separate luminous points (tea lights). They appear in a random sequence forming patterns while creating grids. The narrative of the image is reached while lighting and blowing out candles. The effect oft the variable colour changes depends on the duration of the burning; candles which burns longer become liquid and look transparent.
Every luminous point can signify both the fragile human–being and the light of the lonely window.
All points are connected into a whole, allowing the viewer to observe and freely interpret. Not only viewer’s point of view, but the distance also decides, if a single light point is perceived as a part of a larger whole associated with planets or galaxies and detached from buildings, rivers or cities. The movement of light could be perceived as a story, that includes historical facts, wars or a space of luminous and dark areas that reflect flowering and decadence of some cultures or city blocks. This artwork is not seeking for scientific or measurable objectiveness.The source of inspiration lies in the variety of perception. Visual influence is being established by using satellite photos and maps.

The luminous space is constructed of 98 horizontal and 42 vertical lines,
consists of 4116 tea lights, each of them burning for 4 hours.

This animation has been created in Linz, Austria, at the tobacco factory, during the artist–in–residence program funded by international project CreArt.